Orange Walk Town Council 


 We envision the Orange Walk Town Council working in
partnership with the community in order to have a clean, safe, drug free, crime
free, and healthy environment by providing the necessary infrastructures and
services. The Council commits to good governance and transparency and endeavors
to efficiently manage all its resources in the provision of courteous and
professional public services to its community.


The Orange Walk Town Council is committed to the delivery of
effective courteous, responsive public services. The Council will provide the
necessary infrastructure for growth, development and improvement of the quality
of life of its Citizens. All Citizens will be treated equally with fairness,
dignity and respect without prejudice to Gender, Ethnicity, Religious, or
Political Party affiliation.

Our Approach: 


Whats next? 


If you have any questions, call 


Working Hours:
Monday to Thursday
8:00am to 12:00md
1:00pm to 4:00pm

8:00am to 12:00md
1:00pm to 3:00pm

Queen Victoria Avenue, 
Orange Walk Town,
Belize C.A


Together Progress Continues!